The VTC driver is a developing activity that is subject to specific regulations, with several steps to be taken. It is a profession not to be confused with that of taxi driver. So, if your dream is to become a VTC driver, you must go through certain essential steps to enter the profession. Let’s find out the process of becoming a VTC driver.
What is a VTC driver
A VTC driver is the one who is in charge of transporting passengers from a given point to a given destination before the start of the ride. It is therefore a professional driver who provides an on-demand service of transporting passengers in his car. You can then follow an author’s blog that specifically talks about VTC drivers to get more details about this profession and also to More about the author. Indeed, the VTC driver’s main task is to look for and accompany passengers to the specified destination in a quick and efficient manner. Compared to a taxi driver, the VTC driver must fulfil certain obligations: to carry out journeys planned in advance. It is forbidden to pick up a customer on the public highway; not parking on the public highway to wait for the next trip. The car must be parked in a garage or private car park when no customers are present; apply their own rates, which they assess before or after the journey depending on the duration or distance; make a mini contract for each booking while specifying the details of the journey, the contact details as well as those of the client.
The steps to become a VTC driver
To become a VTC driver, you must necessarily go through 3 steps: you must provide a professional card, create your company and register with the VTC register. The application for the professional card is made by post to your prefecture. The card will be issued to you within a maximum of 3 months if the conditions are met. As far as the company is concerned, you must obtain the SIRET number and register with the trade register, without forgetting to attach the professional card to your application. As for registration in the VTC register, this is done online. You will be asked to provide certain essential documents.